Unit 19 Sound of [eə]-air——airport, fair, hair, pair, unfair -are——beware, compare, dare, fare, rare, spare -ear——appear, bear,pear, swear, wear -eir——heir, heirloom,their -ere——anywhere, there, where A bearis very hungry. It goes around to find food. But it g...
10 Learn to Read with Phonics Consonant Blends, Digraphs, Silent e, Story Practi 32:58 11 Learn to Read with Phonics Diphthongs, Schwa Sound, Ending Sounds Part 4 of 4 43:43 12 Learn to Read with Phonics Long Vowels, R-Controlled Vowels, Story Practice P 28:53 13 Learn to Read...
Unit 1 The sound of “ ar /ɑ:/ ”Chant with me a.r—ar ar ar ar ar Rhyming fun Why did the dog bark ? While running through the park ? Was it because it was so dark...
Phonics is the sound-symbol relationship between spoken and written language. When you learn that the alphabet B has the sound of /b/ and that "tion" sounds like /shun/, you are learning phonics. Phonics is a body of knowledge consisting of 26 letters used to symbolize 44 English speech ...
3 . The sound of “eeth /i:θ/” Point and chant ee.th—eeth eeth eeth eeth t.eeth—teeth Brush your teeth ! 拓展词: teeth牙齿 二Initial digraph “ th- /θ/ ” 1. Point and chant th th th ing ing ing th.ing—thing thing thing thing The little thing ,thing goes din...
Sound,阅读,英语,Phonics,Letter 孩子在做英语启蒙教育的时候,很多外教老师都会让孩子去学“Phonics”,很多家长就比较困惑,Phonics是什么意思啊?其实,Phonics指的就是自然拼读,是孩子在拥有一定的英语词汇基础之后,必须要学的一个技能。 英语的26个字母在学习的时候,并不是...
欢迎收听由主播Jervis__为您带来的“Phonics 初级 Lesson 6 a_e, e_e, i_e, o_e, u_e”精彩有声内容,该音频时长12分17秒,已被收听153次。为您推荐更多相关的音频“Phonics 中级 Lesson 1 L&R controlled blends; tr & dr”、“Phonics 初级 Lesson 4 e, k, l, r, v, y”,
Phonics kids 5A Part 1 The Vowel Pairs Unit 1 The V owel Pair “ ai /e?/ ”Chant with me a.i—ai ai ai a.i—ai ai ai Rhyming fun See the snail with no tail,Leave its trail by the rail.拓展词:Snail 蜗牛 tail 尾巴trail 足迹rail 轨道 1.The word family of -ail...
5-Short Vowel Compilation A-E-I-O-U Sound Songs Phonics for English Education是【英语自然拼读规则儿歌全集】轻松掌握英语拼读规则的第30集视频,该合集共计42集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
Phonics_字母的自然拼读 •音标自然拼读 Let’ssingasong!AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz Phonics dog woof cat miao sheep neigh Phonics dog catsheep woof miaoneigh Aa /a/ apple /a/ Phonics-thesoundofletterAa Aa alligator /a/ apple ant ax Let’sread!•an•am•...