word.Showthemthehighlightedlettersineachwordoftheexercise. 这个页面是自然拼读的展示页面。首先,让学⽣说出目标学习字⺟。其次,问学⽣这个字 ⺟(组合)的发⾳是什么,然后⾳频看看学⽣是否答对,若学⽣不知道如何发⾳,也 可以鼓励学⽣根据示例单词配图,询问是否知道单词的发⾳,如果学⽣这个单词的...
《phonics.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《phonics.pdf(23页珍藏版)》请在人人文库网上搜索。 PHONICS Longingsun Eduation Lisa CONTENTS 1 Why phonics 2 Phonics Book introduction 3 Phonics show class 4 Let s practice NCLB 一 Why phonics NCLB提出要让 每一个儿童都必须通过受教育使其潜能得到充分...
colons.Ifyourclassisupforachallenge,showthemsomeitalicizedtext,liketherestofthis sentence.ItisoftendifficultforbeginningreadersofEnglishtoreadawordinitalicized text.Canoneofyourstudentsreadasimpleitalicizedword,suchasit,up,as,no,hi,or eat? 读PhonicsStories的时候,在故事文章里搜寻,并鼓励学⽣中文文本和书与英...
showthestudentshowtodothis.Onceyourstudentsknowtheconcept,havethemsay eachnamewithyouandclapalongwithyou.Eachstudentsaysouttheirnamewith claptheirhands.Forexample,Jeff(clap),Bri-an(clap,clap),etc. Trytousesomenameswithvaryingsyllablelengths. Ifthestudentshavesometroublewiththesyllables.Letthemputtheirfingers...
Formats included in this purchase PDF Overview For Ages 5-7 Bring letters, sounds, and reading to life for your early learners withFoundations Phonics, Master Books’ award-winning Christian homeschool curriculum. Laying the foundation for homeschool language learning success, this open & go curricu...
Alphablocks是BBC儿童节目CBeebies Show里面的一档自然拼读的节目,每集不长,3分钟左右,但是对于孩子学习自然拼读是很有帮助的。 Usborne出版社研发!获得了很多国际大奖的Phonics在线游戏网站。游戏的名字就叫Teach Your Monster To Read!让孩...
If she can read cvc words, the next logical step is to add blends. Show her how 'fog' becomes 'frog' and 'lit' becomes 'list'. I can't remember if 100EZ does any sight words or not but I would teach her 'the', 'I', and 'a' as sight words. ...
Writing practice worksheets:These worksheets cover the whole alphabet A to Z on one sheet of paper. One set has arrows to show which directions to write, the other has no arrows. Writing Worksheet 1 -With Guide Arrows Writing Worksheet 2-No Arrows ...
MCVCewordshowbright ,DayandNight3light nwithinowdark u Sshines full CVCewordssaid TheNightSky4fardistance withoput Earth practice CVCewordsall SchoolRules1successthink withuone d n a :e 9 hknow t iA npmeet UeLearningCVCewords t2whotomorrowevery SEverywherewithe future world Grade1Phonics/Word...
up up up ,show ,show ,show the the the others others others how how how they they they spell spell spell the the the words words words out out out and and and check check check whether it is right or wrong . ) whether it is right or wrong . ) whether it is right or wrong . ...