Developed by academics and supportingphonics phasestwo to five – typically covered in the first two years of learning to read – Teach Your Monster to Read takes your child on three adventures of increasing difficulty. First, your child has to create their own monster to be the star of the...
In the word pie, you have a digraph made up of ie. in the word pine, the digraph has been split by the letter n to make a new word, 'pine'. Split digraphs are represented like this: a_e, i_e, o_e, e_e, u_e. Teachers may give children a group of words and then ask th...
DividedintodailylessonplansforReceptionyear,andweeklylessonplansforYears1-6. Dividedintophases.Nolessonplansincluded. PaceforJollyPhonicsismuchfaster, andcovers42lettersounds,72trickywords,blending,segmentingandmainalternativesinReception.Revision, extensionandconsolidationprovidedthroughoutYears1-6. Slowerpace,teachi...