Phonics Display Posters 4. 拼读阶段1-5发音展示海报Phase 1-5 Alphabet Sounds Mat Pack 分阶段设计的发音展示海报,帮助孩子稳步学习。 Phase 1-5 Alphabet Sounds Mat Pack 5. 字母展示海报Alphabet Display Posters 利用生动的图像,让孩子对字母及其发音产生兴趣。 Alphabet Display Posters 6.CVC单词搜索练习CVC ...
These handy interactive phonics sounds mats will help you practise each of the phonics sounds your child will learn in Reception and Year 1, grouped in the phonics phases (2-5) they will learn them in. Start the tutorial ► Keystage: EYFS, Nursery, Reception What are phonics phases? Pho...
4. 拼读阶段1-5发音展示海报Phase 1-5 Alphabet Sounds Mat Pack 分阶段设计的发音展示海报,帮助孩子稳步学习。 Phase 1-5 Alphabet Sounds Mat Pack 5. 字母展示海报Alphabet Display Posters 利用生动的图像,让孩子对字母及其发音产生兴趣。 Alphabet Display Posters 6. CVC单词搜索练习CVC Word Phonics Search A...
it's typical for children to follow a sequence of phonics phases during the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. Here, we explain what is taught during Phase 5 phonics and how you can support your child's learning at home.
1. 4. 7. (ph)one photo phase 2. 5. 8. elephant gopher dolphin 3. 6. 9. triumph morph epitaph Digraph "ph" Phonics 96B ph ph says f sphere Write yes or no. Can you hear the "ph"? 1. cipher ye 2. amphibian _ 5. paragraph 8. telegraph ___ ___ __ 3. graph ___ s ...
4. 拼读阶段1-5发音展示海报Phase 1-5 Alphabet Sounds Mat Pack 分阶段设计的发音展示海报,帮助孩子稳步学习。 Phase 1-5 Alphabet Sounds Mat Pack 5. 字母展示海报Alphabet Display Posters 利用生动的图像,让孩子对字母及其发音产生兴趣。 Alphabet Display Posters ...