Pride and Prejudice (v3) by:樱花小美女 2038 Sense and Sensibility (V3) by:樱花小美女 243 Diamonds And Conversation-F Money by:嘻哈有态度 7482 raz-U V W 合集 by:夕夕的小花园 2112 Wit and Humor of America V01 by:樱花小美女 2.7万 ...
嘿,朋友!给你找了个不错的资源 赶紧点击[《Phonics Patterns And Stories 》1300页自然拼读音标故事书+高频词作业纸]去看看吧,相信你会喜欢的。 希望这个资源能解决你的问题。还有其他实用的资源想让我推荐不?
Level1-Unit5-Lesson2 Phonics f and v 542020-05 3 Level1-U5-L1 Where Is the Candy Store? 492020-04 4 Level1-Unit4-Lesson8 Timmy Cooks Lunch 552020-04 5 Level1-Unit4-Lesson7 At the Candy Store 312020-04 6 Level1-Unit4-L6 Phonics s and short u 432020-04 7 Lev1-U4-L5Tomatoes,...
Phonics组合范例: ※consonants with a single sound (b , d , f , j , k , l , m , n , p , r , s , t , v , z) ※consonants with more than one sound, depending on the envoirnment (c , g , h , w) ※consonant blends in which two or more consonants are joined together ...
s/f/th,清辅音: 牙齿中间无舌头,如:bath、mouth、thing z/v/th,浊辅音: 牙齿中间有舌头,如:the、this、that、thank 舌尖略略伸出,放在上下齿之间,轻触上齿,气流从上齿和舌尖之间流出 转音规则: 摩擦音s与爆破清辅音 p、t、k 结合,转发爆破浊辅音 b、d、g。
1.发音难:g,o,q,u,v,z的发音。 2.书写难:f,g,k,m,n,q,p,v,w,x,y。 教学工具: 白板,白板笔,PPT,闪卡。 教学过程: Step one: Greeting T: Hello everyone。I am happy to see you all here。Do you remember my name。Who can tell me。I will give you a star. S: Kimdy. T: Won...
This also includes the diphthongs "oi,oy,ou,ow,au,aw,oo" and many others. The consonants are all the other letters which stop or limit the flow of air from the throat in speech. They are: "b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,qu,r,s,t,v,w,x,y,z,ch,sh,th,ph,wh,ng, andgh"...
17.f Phonics Lesson Introduction and Revision 03:26 18.b Phonics Lesson Introduction and Revision 03:17 19.j Phonics Lesson Introduction and Revision 03:22 20.z Phonics Lesson Introduction and Revision 03:11 21.w Phonics Lesson Introduction and Revision 02:59 22.v Phonics Lesson Introdu...
VocabularySpellingCity was initially created to save teachers time by automating spelling practice tests and to empower students to study independently through engaging game-based learning activities. Now part of the LearningCity® family of education technology products, nearly a decade later, Vocabulary...
Super Phonics Star IRead andjudge判 线 分发 ,用T或F表示 )1. Supergirl can run fast and swim well. She likes playing sport very much C )2. Elsa has special power. She can change spring into winter. ( )3. Spiderman is great. He can swing between the tall buildings. T )4. My lit...