朗文亲子幼儿自然拼读课程New Phonics for Kids 学生书第6级 内容简介 New Phonics for Kids 是 Phonics for Kids 的修订版,全套书分为三级,共六册课本,是一套有系统的幼儿语音课程。每一课次教授一个语音项目,配合多种有趣的活动,帮助幼儿巩固所学。新修订版配以培生易学笔,幼儿可以点击书中不同部分,聆听学习...
New Phonics for Kids Teacher's Book Edition 2 英文原版 新版自然拼读 教学资源 教师用书第二级 亲子自然拼读课程 进口英语书 英文版 点击进入9.9元专区>> ¥75.50 降价通知 限时抢 暂无评分 0人评分精彩评分送积分 送至:北京>北京市>东城区
Bookbot is a book reading app for practicing readers. Use this kids learning app to access a virtual reading assistant that will listen to your child read out loud, helping them as they go along. Also included in the app is a library of specially written books that will guide your child...
朗文亲子幼儿自然拼读课程New Phonics for Kids 学生书第6级 内容简介 New Phonics for Kids 是 Phonics for Kids 的修订版,全套书分为三级,共六册课本,是一套有系统的幼儿语音课程。每一课次教授一个语音项目,配合多种有趣的活动,帮助幼儿巩固所学。新修订版配以培生易学笔,幼儿可以点击书中不同部分,聆听学习...
Bookbot is a book reading app for practicing readers. Use this kids learning app to access a virtual reading assistant that will listen to your child read out loud, helping them as they go along. Also included in the app is a library of specially written books that will guide your child...
Think of phonics as the building blocks of reading. According to Wiley Blevins in his excellent bookPhonics from A to Z: A Practical Guide(Published by Scholastic),"Studies show that half of all English words can be spelled with phonics rules that relate one letter to one sound." That's ...
Book Description Phonics for Kids 6 Phonics for Kids is a six-level series specially written for young children. Each unit deals with on letter sound or a phonic feature. It begins with an interesting story or a rhyme and is followed by a song and some fun activities. Useful phonics skil...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现英文原版 New Phonics for Kids Teacher's Book Edition 4 香港朗文幼儿自然拼音教参 教师用书 第四级 英文版 进口英语原版书籍的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于英文原版 New
Bookbot is your child's reading tutor. Using the science of reading research, Bookbot accelerates reading skills for children in early grades and those falling behind. The results? Children using Bookbot improve their reading fluency by twice over a year
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