Columbia University professor and linguist John McWhorter agrees: His September 2021 essay in the New York Times extolls the virtues of phonics-based reading programs—specifically, the Direct Instruction (DI) programs created and authored by Siegfried “Zig” Engelmann. In his article, McWhorter cal...
There are plenty of phonics reading programs. What differentiates the Raising Robust Readers Program? For Down Syndrome, Dyslexia and Darn Near Everyone* *(Including Gifted Early Readers) Welcome to Raising Robust Readers! Raising Robust Readers is a phonics-based reading program specially designed ...
Over the past decade, more than half of U.S. states have encouraged or ordered schools to build reading programs around methods that teach kids how to sound out letters and words. Just this month, lawmakers in Wisconsin proposed reading-reform legislation along with extra fundi...
What is the McOmber Reading Program? The McOmber Reading Program is a phonetic based LEARN TO READ program for beginning or struggling readers of all ages. This program combines phonics and sight words to cover all aspects of the English language. This enjoyable, easy to use program includes ...
assigned sounds. Concepts are explained in terms of “patterns” rather than “rules”—a far less intimidating approach for most students. Spelling and word comprehension are emphasized throughout the curriculum. These lessons have been successfully used in Tier 2 (Response to Intervention) programs...
“This is a new and unique adult phonics reading program, unlike any other reading programs I have used. The best part is that it really works! My students have found it easy to use … without a teacher’s help. I highly recommend it. “ –Linda T., Basic Literacy Teacher. Independenc...
Systematic phonics instruction belongs in evidence-based reading programs: A response to Bowerssystematic phonicsreading instructionphonics screening checkThis article is a rejoinder to J.S. Bowers (2020), 'Reconsidering the evidence that systematic phonics is more effective than alternative methods of ...
Raising Robust Readers is a phonics-based reading program specially designed for children with Down syndrome, dyslexia and early readers. This researched-based program aligns with the best practices of the National Reading Panel, the National Right to Read Foundation, the International Dyslexia ...
Its design assists individuals with reading difficulties, such as those with dyslexia or anyone who prefers auditory learning. Assistive technology like the ones listed above when paired with phoniocs-based reading skills,can help struggling students build their confidence and reading endurance, g...
Toe by Toe is a highly structured phonics-based reading manual to help anyone who finds reading difficult. It requires only 20 minutes of coaching a day and you'll see immediate improvements in your child's reading confidence. It can be used by parents or by teachers - you don't need to...