Q q queen q q quilt q q quiet q q quack 二,chant with me Quack quack ,Queen Duck . Quack quack quack Qq says /kw/ /kw/ Quack quack quack Unit 14 sound of the letter Rr /r/ 一,point and say R r rabbit r r robot r r rain r r rainbow 二,chant with me Rainbow Rabbit Run...
Cetaceans rely on sound in support of various life functions. They communicate acoustically during social interactions, foraging, mating, and rearing of young. Acoustic communication serves to coordinate group behaviour and maintain group cohesion1. Additionally, odontocetes use bio-sonar to navigate and...
The present invention relates to a sound interlayer (I) comprising a first layer (1) made of a first material and a second layer (2), characterized in that the second layer comprises damping means (20) comprising at least one pellet ( 21) made of a second material different from the ...
the present invention is a device for sound reproduction technology was stéreophonique amplification means (3), on the basis of two signals (61, 62), left and rightfrom any source (6) and a stereophonQUERI JEAN-LOUISROUCH JEANAZOULAY ALAIN...
A two-channel sound recording and play-back system for providing a holophonic reproduction or play-back of sounds is herein disclosed. The two-channel recording system comprises cables and electronic apparatus for providing a stereophonic type of recording, where a plurality of microphones are ...