Aim of the use of phonetic spellings; Phonetic variants in the book of Samuel; Aural features of other Samuel passages.TsumuraDavid ToshioVetus TestamentumTsumura, D. T. 1999. "Scribal Errors or Phonetic Spellings? Samuel as an Aural Text", Vetus Testamentum 49, 390 - 411...
The purpose of this paper is to establish the "phonic" nature of some of the socalled "corrupt" passages in the MT of Samuel. We are particularly interested in Samuel's "aural" characteristics which might be represented in the phonetic spellings. This aural aspect of the narrative is clearl...
English-speaking expats or business people in German-speaking countries often run into the problem of spelling their non-German name or other words on the phone. Using the English/international phonetic code, the familiar "Alpha, Bravo, Charlie..." used by the military and airline pilots isn't...
Phoneticfiguresofspeech Definition:Alliterationistherepetitionofconsonantsoundsatthebeginningofneighbouringwords Alliteration头韵;谐头韵 Alliteration头韵;谐头韵 Examples:PeterPiperpickedapeckofpickledpeppers.“WhatwewantisWatneys.”(advertisingsloganforWatney'sbeer)“ThedailydiaryoftheAmericandream.”(advertisingslogan...
business correspondence. In addition, shorthand has been used through the centuries as a cultural tool:George Bernard Shawwrote his plays in shorthand;Samuel Pepysrecorded his diary in shorthand;Cicero’sorations,Martin Luther’ssermons, and Shakespeare’s plays were all preserved by means of ...