Aim of the use of phonetic spellings; Phonetic variants in the book of Samuel; Aural features of other Samuel passages.TsumuraDavid ToshioVetus TestamentumTsumura, D. T. 1999. "Scribal Errors or Phonetic Spellings? Samuel as an Aural Text", Vetus Testamentum 49, 390 - 411...
The purpose of this paper is to establish the "phonic" nature of some of the socalled "corrupt" passages in the MT of Samuel. We are particularly interested in Samuel's "aural" characteristics which might be represented in the phonetic spellings. This aural aspect of the narrative is clearl...
The first official German spelling code was introduced in Prussia in 1890 - for the newly invented telephone and the Berlin telephone book. That first code used numbers (A=1, B=2, C=3, etc.). Words were introduced in 1903 ("A wie Anton" = "A as in Anton"). Over the years some ...
Manyalittlemakesamiracle.Thespiritiswillingbutthefleshisweak.心有余而力不足TimeandtidewaitsfornomanAfairfacemayhideafoulheart.满面春风,心如蛇蝎 c.Usedinnewspaperheadlines AForeignPolicyWithoutaFocus(“没有中心的外交政策”)———《新闻周刊》SovietSuitorforUSAsianAllies(“苏联向美国的亚洲盟友发起亲善攻势...