Looking for a phone for your child? We take a look at over a dozen of the best phones for kids. ByAndrew Grush • October 1, 2024 Pinwheel Pixel MSRP: $599.00 Check price Positives Easy to use kids-friendly software baked right in ...
Pinwheel is the best phone for kids! A real smart phone with built-in parental guidance and 1,200+ apps with in-depth safety ratings for school and fun.
The next chapter will review the different types of phones for kids: Kid-specific phones likePinwheel Adult phones with monitoring apps Basic non-smartphones like flip phones
We hope you’re more clear on why you want your child to have a cell phone, why they want one, and the key features you need to look for based on your biggest concerns. The next chapter will review the different types of phones for kids: Kid-specific phones like Pinwheel Adult phones...