Generally speaking, if your current phone works abroad, then buy only the local SIM card. If you travel infrequently or only for short trips, then rent a phone. If you are a frequent traveler or will be moving to Germany, buy a cell phone and SIM card. Having reliable service at an ...
There are measures you can take to mitigate your chances of experiencing a phone emergency, as well as to be prepared to react quickly when one occurs. What to do if you lose your cell phone while traveling abroad Know what to do if your phone is lost or stolen while traveling outside ...
It’s natural to get nervous about charging your phone in another country. Thankfully, most phones, tablets and laptops include a charger that is compatible with the 220V service in China. Double check to make sure, and then check to see ifyour plug will fit in China’s electrical sockets...
If you’re reading this article, you’re likely excited for an upcoming trip. Hotel and flights are booked. The itinerary and every place you want to see are finalized. But one very important question remains: How to stay connected via your cell phone when traveling abroad. Whether you’re...
Every mobile service provider understands that their customers might need to travel overseas on occasion and has specific service plans in place for this. On paper, this seems great. You don't have to buy anything or mess with your phone to make it work abroad because your service carrier wi...
It's easy to add international roaming services online. Review the international options on this page and follow the prompts. AT&T provides multiple options for getting wireless service while traveling abroad, includingAT&T International Day Pass,AT&T Cruise Packages, andpay-per-use. ...
SophieClaire Hoeller
One of the peskiest things about traveling abroad is figuring out international data service for your smart phone. Going through your current carrier is often costly due to roaming fees, and some pre-paid carriers don’t offer the service at all. Your choices now are to either stay completely...
To make the most of your new SIM card while traveling abroad, follow the steps below: To begin, ensure that your phone is unlocked (see the section below for additional information on this) and functional in your intended location.
Traveling abroad has become easier and more common than ever. Students around the world are finding educational opportunities in new places, which brings exciting opportunity, but also inevitable challenges. Before heading overseas, one thing to consider is how you will communicate in a new place. ...