AU AUS 61 Australia NZ NZL 64 New Zealand AS ASM 000 American Samoa CK COK 682 Cook Islands FJ FJI 679 Fiji https://oceaniatelephones...
New Zealand 64 NZ NZL .nz Wellington Oceania Dollar Nicaragua 505 NI NIC .ni Managua North America Cordoba Niger 227 NE NER .ne Niamey Africa Franc Nigeria 234 NG NGA .ng Abuja Africa Naira Niue 683 NU NIU .nu Alofi Oceania Dollar North Korea 850 KP PRK .kp Pyongyang Asia Won ...
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AUAUS61Australia NZNZL64New Zealand ASASM000American Samoa CKCOK682Cook Islands FJFJI679Fiji ...
◦ NZ PTC 220 ◦ Industry Standards: TIA 810 and TIA 920 ◦ Industry Standards: IEEE 802.3 Ethernet, IEEE 802.3af and 802.3at ◦ Korea (RRA Public Notification 2010-36, Nov 01, 2010) ◦ Korea (RRA Announce 2011-2, Feb28, 2011) ● Radio ◦ FCC Part 15.247 (CFR 47) ◦...
New Zealand (NZ) For UIFN numbers, supports standard Regions and requirements.For ordering phone numbersSupported RegionsType of NumberAre there ID requirements?Acceptable Identification Asia Pacific (Seoul) Asia Pacific (Singapore) Asia Pacific (Sydney) Asia Pacific (Tokyo)> Local telephone numbers: ...
NZ PTC 220 DR AS/ACIF S004 and AS/ACIF S040 (Australia) TIA 810-B and TIA 920-A Canada-CS-03-HAC Radio USA: FCC Part 15.247 (2.4 GHz), FCC Part 15.407 (5 GHz), and FCC Part 2 Canada: RSS-210 Japan: ARIB STD-T66 (2.4 GHz), ARIB STD-T70, and T71 (4.9/5 GHz) ...
[AU] Australia [BA] Bosnia and Herzegovina [BE] Belgium [DE] Germany [ES] Spain [FR] France [GB] United Kingdom [HR] Croatia [HU] Hungary [IE] Ireland [ME] Montenegro [NL] Netherlands [NZ] New Zealand [PT] Portugal [RS] Serbia [SE] Sweden [SI] Slovenia [UA] Ukraine [US] ...
fromString public static CountryPhoneCode fromString(String code) Creates or finds a country phone code from its string representation. Parameters: code - a country phone code Returns: the corresponding CountryPhoneCodevalues public static Collection values() Returns: known country phone codes...