A free Phone Number Validation API helps you quickly check if a phone number is valid, as well as get additional info like city, region, country, time zone, line type, and more.
This table shows where to input a phone number and its country code. The Phone number validated column shows which number is validated against the Phone pattern regex column in the Country codes and patterns table. 📘 Note: When you pass any phone numb
Phone Validation – International returns a variety of information about phone numbers, including: Line type: Mobile, landline, or VoIP. Carrier: The name of the phone company that provides service to the phone number. Porting details: If the phone number has been ported from one carrier to ...
Perform phone number validation easily by using TelValidator. Check whether the phone number is valid or not to prevent spam.
release added a new phone number validation feature that applies to all phone numbers, no matter which country they belong to. It also enforces clean data wherever data can be entered. The validation feature gives operators higher confidence before an alert is sent that end users with...
if (!validatePhoneNumber(phone)) {document.getElementById('phone_error').classList.remove('hidden'); } else {document.getElementById('phone_error').classList.add('hidden'); alert("validation success") } event.preventDefault();}document.getElementById('myform').addEventListener('submit', vali...
Document and Data Conversion APIs Questions? We'll be your guide. Contact Sales 1-415-234-7421 9 AM - 5 PM Eastern Time- Open Now 4695 Chabot Drive, Suite 200 Pleasanton, California 94588 United States
You can configure phone number validation by calling these functions: phoneManager.ignoreInvalidCharacters(true); The complete list of functions are below: FunctionDescriptionDefault ignoreInvalidCharacters Ignore and strip invalid characters true ignoreInvalidLength Skip length validation false truncateLongNumb...
Our phone number lookup & validation API is the perfect tool to automate fraud protection & clean your database.
Advanced Phone Field is a Gravity Forms add-on for enhancing Phone fields with automatic country code detection and real number validation.