如果需要在一个端口请求中转移到 Teams 的电话号码超过 999 个,请不要使用端口向导。 导航到 电话号码服务中心门户 ,并使用 电话号码服务 (TNS) - Service Desk 创建/提交新的“转网”。Microsoft的电话号码服务中心仅在美国个工作日完成端口订单,而不是在公共假日或周末完成。创建...
使用Microsoft Teams 管理中心。对于某些国家和地区,可以使用 Microsoft Teams 管理中心为用户获取号码。 请参阅获取用户的新电话号码。 转网现有的号码。可以从当前服务提供商或电话运营商转网或转移现有号码。 有关详细信息,请参阅将电话号码转移到 Teams或管理组织的电话号码。
Learn how to get new, port, or transfer existing numbers for Teams, and how to show the changes to your users.
若要转移电话号码,可以使用 Microsoft Teams 管理中心中的移植分步指南。 将电话号码移植到 Teams 后,Microsoft 将成为你的服务提供商。 有关详细信息,请参阅可以获取多少个电话号码? 在开始之前,请查看什么是移植订单中的信息。 如果需要将以下任何类型的号码转移到 Teams,则需要下载正确的表单并将其发送给我们: ...
Adding a mobile number to your Microsoft account will help you find others and for others to find you in Teams. Learn more about managing how people find you and what contact information others can view in Microsoft Teams (free). Adding a mobile...
You’ll then have the option to remove the old email address or phone number from your account. Note:To ensure people can't search for you in Microsoft Teams (free) by your old email or phone number, you'll need to remove it from your account. Add your new alias befo...
You’ll then have the option to remove the old email address or phone number from your account. Note:To ensure people can't search for you in Microsoft Teams (free) by your old email or phone number, you'll need to remove it from ...
Hi, I need to find users in Active Directory who have no Telephone number entry in the AD field but with assigned phone numbers in Teams? I have...
Create and manage dial plans - Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Learn Use the following normalization rules Thanks Linux for your help... much appreciated. FYI - I also found a workaround for the dialing. Just add prefix + then Teams won't add +1 to the calling number. ...
使用Microsoft Teams 電話與您的團隊、客戶和合作夥伴聯繫。在 Teams 中進行音訊/視訊通話或使用撥號盤撥打外部號碼。