Daily Dvar Halacha - Dec. 23 , Teves 19 - Havdalah Over The Phone?By: Rabbi Yitzchok DinovitzerRabbi Yitzchok Dinovitzer is a Rebbe in the Middle School of YCC/TA and is the Associate Regional Director of NCSY Atlantic Seaboard Region...
He appeared in a number of other hit TV shows over the years, including "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine," "Cheers," and "Seinfeld” (his character, Cedric, was a thorn in the side of Kramer in three memorable episodes), and he continued to work on both sides of the camera, branching o...
I was very thankful for the small mercy. The tow truck driver came 1 hour and 10 minutes later. He dropped the car off at the closest Nissan and took me home. He was a very nice and professional young man. I arrived home after nine that night. I woke up very sick the next ...