phone's type. To change a phone's type, add a new number of the desired type and then delete the object with the original type. If a user is enabled by policy to use SMS to sign in and the mobile number is changed, the system will attempt to register the number for use ...
For simplicity, the MyTodo solution provided in this lab does not use HTTPS. In a real world scenario, it is highly recommended to use HTTPS for the communication with the secure service. Add theDPE.OAuth2project from the assets folder to the solution. To do this, in the Solution Explorer...
Enables you to limit the number of records returned by a command. For example, to return seven common area phones (regardless of how many common area phones are in your forest) include the ResultSize parameter and set the parameter value to 7. Note that there is no way to guarantee which...
Real user tests are not supported for phones. Enable ThousandEyes for your organization When you enable ThousandEyes Agent integration at the organization level, any devices that are ThousandEyes-enabled and added to the organization will automatically integrate with ThousandEyes. The setting at the organ...
AuthenticationViewModel::GetAccessCode封装了OAuth2的验证授权的逻辑。 代码语言:js 复制 privatebool _isAuthenticating;privateQueue<Action<string,string>>_queuedRequests=newQueue<Action<string,string>>();publicvoidGetAccessCode(Action<string,string>callback){lock(_sync){if(_isAuthenticating){_queuedRequests...
However, from SignInManager level, the phone number might not be supported as it is a kind of custom user data and not under consideration of the SignInManger design. The most common way to use phone number in identity is Two-factor authentication (2FA) which uses phone number to fetch...
Cisco is bringing a new standard to desk phones with a portfolio built for working in modern office environments. The Desk Phone 9800 Series was designed with IT and facilities in mind to deliver four new phone models and one Key Expansion Module (KEM). Included on each phone is the newly...
'DayOfWeek' is not supported in LINQ to Entities.. 'get' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file 'OleDbConnection' is not defined. 'ReportViewer' is ambiguous in the namespace 'Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms' 'Server does not support secure connections'...
AuthenticationViewModel::GetAccessCode封装了OAuth2的验证授权的逻辑。 private bool _isAuthenticating; private Queue<Action<string,string>> _queuedRequests = new Queue<Action<string,string>>(); public void GetAccessCode(Action<string,string> callback) ...