leaving the consequences unspecified, she strides over to my rental car and officiously writes down its license plate number, then asks for the name of “my companion” in the passenger seat. i don’t want to get biddix in any trouble, so i politely decline, hop in, and drive off. ...
Point-to-point videoconferences are usually among small groups of people gathered at a small number of locations, and the transmission may be provided by satellite of by terrestrial networks like AT&T's Picturephone Meeting Service. Essentially a video-enhanced telephone call, this type of videocon...
where \(c_{i}\) is the \(i{\text{th}}\) household or person-level constraint obtained from the census data (e.g. the number of men, women, and households by household size etc.), \(w_{i}\) is the weighted frequency of persons with the \(i{\text{th}}\) attribute in the...
For further details, see Hardell, Carlberg [68]. The attributable fraction (AF) or etiologic fraction is the proportion of cases that can be attributed to a particular exposure. That is the number of cases that would have been prevented if the study variable was not a risk factor. This ...
Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) management in Port Harcourt, an oil-producing city in Nigeria, has become an environmental challenge for the location. WEEE recycling is predominantly managed by informal recyclers, who lack the skills to