A case number is structured like this: AAA-XX-YYY-Z-MMMM: AAA:The service center or office that received your case. SRC- Texas Service Center (TSC, formerly Southern Regional Center) LIN- Nebraska Service Center (NSC, Lincoln, NE)
A self-described “email prankster” in the UK fooled a number of White House officials into thinking he was other officials, including an episode where he convinced the White House official tasked with cyber security that he was Jared Kushner and received that official’s private email address ...
Contact JetBlue Customer Service. Find JetBlue Customer Support, Phone Number, Email Address, Customer Care Returns Fax, 800 Number, Chat and JetBlue FAQ. Speak with Customer Service, Call Tech Support, Get Online Help for Account Login.
Android security: Google patches dozens of dangerous bugs, including some in Oreo Pixel and Nexus owners will get the September Android patch as part of the Android 8.0 Oreo rollout. Android security: Coin miners show up in apps and sites to wear out your CPU ...
The Expatriation Act was passed in March of 1907 with a number of impositions, including stipulations that if a woman lived abroad for more than two years or was married to a man who wasn't eligible for citizenship, she could be revoked of her status. The Cable Act of 1922also known as...
“Stingray II,” was introduced to the spy tech market by Harris Corp. between 2007 and 2008. Photographs filed with the US Patent and Trademark Office depict the Stingray II as a more sophisticated device, with many additional USB inputs and a switch for a “GPS antenna,” which is ...
Nearly a month after it was revealed that the Santa Fe County Sheriff's Office issued a warrant for Alec Baldwin's cellphone, which it was asserted may contain pertinent information regarding the events of the tragic shooting that occurred on the set of "Rust" in October 2021, the actor and...
broad exception that more harm than good would come to the public by its disclosure. For example, if releasing a 911 tape would create a homeland security threat or jeopardize an ongoing, active law enforcement investigation, the government agency has the right to deny a request for its ...
So how come this police officer wants me to do his job for him? Which one is it? Fast forward a few years and another cross-border issue pops up only this time it is both criminal with a potential terrorist element. So I call the FBI office at the US embassy in London. They ...
The site records self-reported outages and is not meant to be a comprehensive number. But with people often wondering why they can’t access a service or a network, it’s a quick and dirty tool for customers to determine whether a service is down or if it’s just them. The Downdetect...