(result !=null) newNumber.Append(result);// Bad character?elsereturnnull; } }returnnewNumber.ToString(); }staticboolContains(thisstringkeyString,charc){returnkeyString.IndexOf(c) >=0; }staticreadonlystring[] digits = {"ABC","DEF","GHI","JKL","MNO","PQRS","TUV...
Reverse phone number lookups in Australia for 9423 2484 CountryAreaSubscriberFormat +61 : Australia 02 : Central East region (NSW, ACT) 94232484 02 9423 2484 02 94232484 0294232484 0294 232 484 +61 2 94232484 +61 294232484 +61294232484 +61 : Australia 03 : South-east region (VIC, TAS)...
import java.util.*;publicclassSolution{publicArrayList<String>letterCombinations(String digits){ArrayList<String>list=newArrayList<String>();if(digits==null)returnlist;String[]str={"","","abc","def","ghi","jkl","mno","pqrs","tuv","wxyz"};combinations(digits,0,"",str,list);returnlist;...
我们可以用Map的key存储数字2-9,用value存储这个数字对应的字母(例如,2对应abc)。 递归可以很好的解决这个问题,首先从字符串的index=0开始进入,根据Map上该key对应的value值(例如key=2,value="abc"),分别取这些字母,并进入到下一个过程中。 用Map存储的过程如下: Map<String, String> map =newHashMap<String...
www.360abc.net 5. Itelephoned myofficefrom mycar-phone,butwe hadabadconnection,andIcouldn'thearwhattheyweresaying. 我用车载电话同办公室联系,但是线路不畅,我听不到他们在说什么。 www.en8848.com.cn 6. Adiagramshowingthelocationofyour elevators,carnumbers and theelevatorcarphonenumbershouldbeinyour...
17. Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Given a digit string, return all possible letter combinations that the number could represent. A mapping of digit to letters (just like on the telephone buttons) is given below. Input:Digit string "23"...
Baby Games also features fun nursery rhymes, baby songs, and rhyming games for kids and toddlers in an easy to use child-safe interface. Some of the nursery rhymes include the ABC alphabet song, Five Little Ducks, Humpty Dumpty, Rain Rain Go Away, Wheels on the Bus, Twinkle Twinkle Little...
LeetCode17题Letter Combinations of a Phone Number 典型的回溯算法题目,实践三遍刷题方法,本人用Python 和Go 语言分别解题。 第一遍 Go 语言循环实现 func letterCombinations(digits string) []string { if len(digits) == 0 { return []string{} ...