How to change the phone number/email address linked to my HONOR ID? (1) If the phone number/email address currently linked to your account is still in use, you ...
How to change the phone number/email address linked to my HONOR ID? (1) If the phone number/email address currently linked to your account is still in use, you ...
ChooseAdd email,Add phone number, or selectRemovenext to an existing address. Tip:If you can't sign in, or want to make changes to the email addresses or phone numbers associated with your Microsoft account and how they are used to sign in, use ...
1. Unlink or change the phone number or email address. Go to Account center > Personal info > Phone/Email > Disassociate/Change and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the task. Tips: You can only change the linked phone number for your account, but can't unlink it. 2. Unlink...
It's easy to update or change the email address or phone number associated with your Microsoft account. MobileDesktop Go to Manage how you sign in to Microsoft and sign in to your account. Select either Add email or Add phone number and we’ll...
Follow the steps on this page to change the Microsoft account email address or phone number (also known as your account alias or username) that you use to sign in. Concerned about your licences? Don’t worry—if you change your account alias, or remove an alias and then add a ne...
Email changes: Email addresses need to be in the following Other accepted components include, but aren't limited to: ".org", ".net", ".gov". Changing the email address on your profile won't change where your account alerts are sent. You'll need to update ...
Learn how to update or change the email address or phone number associated with your Microsoft account from your desktop and mobile devices.
If you are using your mobile phone number as an email address? Or if using the mobile number, as your Apple ID? See if this helps: "If your Apple ID is a phone number.." You can change your Apple ID to a different mobile phone number. Main article links to above here: •...
Change mobile phone number1. Log in to NAVER.2. Click the NAVER ID button from the login page.3. In My Profile, click the Edit button to the right of your mobile phone number.