EndTime (ReminderMessageDataType) EndTimeInMinutes EndTimeZone EndTimeZoneId EndWallClock EnhancedLocation EntityExtractionResult Entry (EmailAddress) Entry (IMAddress) Entry (PhoneNumber) Entry (PhysicalAddress) Error Errors ErrorCode ErrorCode (int) ErrorCode (ItemIndexErrorType) ErrorDescript...
General SQL Server Forums New to SQL Server Programming Simple Phone Number Formatting
public PhoneNumberIdentifier setRawId(String rawId) Set full id of the identifier RawId is the encoded format for identifiers to store in databases or as stable keys in general. Overrides: PhoneNumberIdentifier.setRawId(String rawId) Parameters: rawId - full id of the identifier Returns...
Execute multiple sql commands with one trip to the database. Execute requires the command to have a transaction object when the connection assigned to the command is in a pending local transaction Execute stored procedure multiple times ExecuteNonQuery to count number of rows??
Defines values for country codes for phone number prefixes. E.g. the country code for +1 123 456 7890 is '+1'.Field Summary 展開資料表 Modifier and TypeField and Description static final CountryPhoneCode ALBANIA Country phone code +355. static final CountryPhoneCode ALGERIA Country ...
; // Scheduling the agent may not be allowed because maximum number // of agents has been reached or the phone is a 256MB device. try { ScheduledActionService.Add(periodicDownload); } catch (SchedulerServiceException) { } return wasAdded; } 安排定期任務前, StartPeriodicAgent 執行幾個檢查...
In a currency field, use a Numeric Picture switch similar to: {MERGEFIELD number \# $###,0.0}Note The {MERGEFIELD number \# $###,0.0} string works for Microsoft SQL Server 6 as well. In a telephone field, use a Numeric Pic...
In a currency field, use a Numeric Picture switch similar to: {MERGEFIELD number \# $###,0.0}Note The {MERGEFIELD number \# $###,0.0} string works for Microsoft SQL Server 6 as well. In a telephone field, use a Numeric Picture switch similar to: {MERGEFIELD...
. The attributes on each entity determine the database table structure and define the mapping between the object model of the data and the schema of the database. For example, an entity having Name and PhoneNumber properties would result in a database table having Name and PhoneNumber columns...
Data Types Error Codes TKE API 2022-05-01 History Introduction API Category Making API Requests Request Structure Common Params Signature v3 Signature Responses Node Pool APIs DescribeClusterInstances CreateHealthCheckPolicy CreateNodePool DeleteHealthCheckPolicy DeleteNodePool DescribeHealthCheckPolicies Describe...