FirebaseAuth是Google提供的一种身份验证解决方案,它可以帮助开发者轻松地集成用户身份验证功能到他们的应用程序中。verifyPhoneNumber是FirebaseAuth提供的一个方法,用于验证用户的手机号码。 使用verifyPhoneNumber方法,开发者可以向用户发送短信验证码,用户需要输入该验证码来验证手机号码的有效性。这种验证方式可以防止...
在Firebase控制台中,确保已正确设置了PhoneNumberAuth功能,并且已为应用程序生成了正确的配置文件。 检查代码中的实现是否正确。在Flutter项目中,使用Firebase和PhoneNumberAuth插件提供的API来实现手机号码认证功能。确保代码中的调用方法和参数正确,并且没有语法错误。 使用Firebase提供的调试工具来...
Firebase Console => Authentication => Setting => Approved Domain localhost Google Cloud => Project => Credential => OAuth 2.0 Client ID => Authroised Javascript ... http://localhost https://localhost https://localhost:8100 https://localhost:...
phone_authentication This project is a starting point for a Flutter application. Every app started with authentication. If you want use phone auth, you can apply this code in your project. Create new user in Firebase. Create collection "Users" and add document with user credentials. Getting Sta...
Firebase Phone Auth自上次使用以来已更新。文档指出:reCAPTCHA验证:如果无法使用SafetyNet,例如当用户没有...
Firebase Phone Auth自上次使用以来已更新。文档指出:reCAPTCHA验证:如果无法使用SafetyNet,例如当用户没有...
这可能是由于最新升级的Auth OTP在虚拟设备上不起作用,而是在具有活动SIM卡的真实的设备上尝试。
In the documentation for phone authentication this bit on verificationComplete isn't clear #verificationCompleted# This handler will only be called on Android devices which support automatic SMS code resolution. When the SMS code is delivered to the device, Android will automatically verify the SMS ...
Similar to Firebase phone authentication, our solution embeds a "Log in with phone" button on client websites. Upon clicking, a verification window prompts users to enter their country code and mobile number. After successful verification through OTP sent to the user's mobile, control redirects ...