Code469 Area Code470 Area Code472 Area Code475 Area Code478 Area Code479 Area Code480 Area Code484 Area Code501 Area Code502 Area Code503 Area Code504 Area Code505 Area Code507 Area Code508 Area Code509 Area Code510 Area Code512 Area Code513 Area Code515 Area Code516 Area Code517 Area...
ListTollFreeAreaCodesOptions PhoneNumberAdministrativeDivision PhoneNumberAreaCode PhoneNumberAssignmentType PhoneNumberCapabilities PhoneNumberCapabilitiesRequest PhoneNumberCapabilityType PhoneNumberCost PhoneNumberCountry PhoneNumberLocality PhoneNumberOffering PhoneNumbersClient PhoneNumbersClientOptions PhoneNumberSearchRequ...
Separate area code from phone number with Text to column in Excel In Excel, you also can use Text to column feature to finish the separating. 1. Select the list of phone number, click Data > Text to Columns. See screenshot:2. In the Convert Text to Columns Wizard dialog box, check ...
PhoneNumberAreaCode public PhoneNumberAreaCode() Method Details getAreaCode public String getAreaCode() Get the areaCode property: An area code. Returns: the areaCode value.Applies to Azure SDK for Java Latest在GitHub 上與我們協作 可以在 GitHub 上找到此内容的源,还可以在其中创建和查看问题和拉...
Your Phone Number added to _ _ - _ _ _ _ gives you an Advantage in Advertising providing beneficial CALL or SURF Options for all your advertising media types.
Country_code&Area_code&Phone_num OrCONCATENATE(Country_code,Area_code,Phone_num) ArgumentsCountry_code: the country code you want to add to the phone number, it can be in number format, text format, such as “86”, “+86”, “(86)”. Area_code: the area code you want to add to...
Area code 860 belongs to Connecticut, US. It is a General Purpose Code which was placed in service on Aug 28, 1995. (860) has 695 prefixes with phone numbers found in the U.S. federal and non-federal datasets.
It’s easy to get a secondary phone number that shows you’re calling from a New York City area code. 1 Choose your phone number 2 Pick a flexible phone plan 3 Start talking and texting New York City is home of the 929 area code In addition to New York City, Hushed services and...
Area code 505 belongs to New Mexico, US. It is a General Purpose Code which was placed in service on Jan 01, 1947. (505) has 469 prefixes with phone numbers found in the U.S. federal and non-federal datasets.
Windows.Globalization.PhoneNumberFormatting 編輯 取得地理區功能變數代碼字元的長度。 C# publicintGetLengthOfGeographicalAreaCode(); 傳回 Int32 區功能變數代碼的長度,以字元為單位。 適用於 產品版本 WinRTBuild 14383, Build 15063, Build 16299, Build 17134, Build 17763, Build 1836...