I could not lose Merlin now.Ron and I had tried to have children for a long time with depressing results. I threw myself into my work. Any maternal feelings I had were spent on Merlin.I couldn’t wait to get home from work each night. I wanted to pick up that warm bundle of ...
When you lose your phone, it's not just the physical device that's at risk—it's also the valuable data inside. Here are some of the significant risks you face: 1. Identity Theft Your phone stores personal information, login credentials, and sensitive data. If someone gains access to you...
All SIM-locked phones need an unlock code to get unlocked and be able to support SIM cards from all carriers. However, it is hard to find these codes, and if you do, they cost you a lot of bucks. Many online tools will give you cheap services; however, they are not secure enough....
Upgrading to a new smartphone is fun and exciting, something many people enjoy every few years. What’s not fun or exciting is when your new phone drops calls or won’t sent text messages. Why does this happen? And is there anything that can be done to improve your phone’s reception?
Kids love sending and receiving videos. Now you can take a look at them whenever you please. It’s a great way to make sure they aren’t saving anything controversial on their device, like violent or pornographic content. Snapchat Monitoring ...
Are you receiving threats through calls and texts from an unknown phone number? Do you feel annoyed with them? Then, you can use a reverse phone number lookup. There are several lookup sites that can offer you with free access to white pages directory. With this, you can investigate about...
risk. You can also find a phone repair shop and have them take care of the job for you. Sending it to the manufacturer and having it replace the battery is another option. They’ll, of course, charge a fee if it’s not a warranty claim. Oh, and warranties, let’s talk about ...
When your phone's unlocked, you're not limited to tariffs offered by the network you bought your phone from. You can take your pick from the whole market. Just as important is that really good SIM only deals tend to be up for grabs for a limited period only. ...
Even if you’re not a smartphone user, hackers or government agencies can still track your device’s location by accessing your SIM card. A SIM card is a small memory device that allows you to make calls, send texts and use cellular data by connecting to local cell towers. Your SIM card...
Unsure of whether to pick up the call you receiving from an unknown number? Are you being bombarded with marketing texts from numbers you do not know? There is no cause to fret anymore about unknown numbers calling or texting you. But when you have the information about the person calling ...