is a database of various important country codes of all countries in the world.Find more information about country codes, phone codes, and ISO country codes so easy!
You need to know how to call a country, you will find here all the information about area codes, country codes, and ISO country codes. telephone country codes, Country Calling Codes and Phone Area Codes. You will find yellow pages and Inverted directory
To call someone in the US, you’ll probably want to use your phone. If you’re not sure about international dialing, area codes, or communication options, read on. This post is your guide for making calls to the US. How do I call the US? The US has its own international country co...
What are the most common USA dialing codes? You’ll find one or more area codes for each city in the US, and you can use these area codes for all the phone numbers in that region. Here are some common area codes in the country: ...
US Phone American phone code +1 / US / USA - How to dial to other cities and countries. USA +1 / US / USA - Phone Codes in United States of America US +1 / US / USA - Dial Codes for the Cities in US of America. Directory of Phone Companies by Country , White Pages and...
How many area codes are there in the United States? Whether you are calling a friend living in your street or doing business in a different state, all you need is a US country code phone number format that includes a three-digit area code. Moreover, the USA is divided into various re...
World country codes, city phones and mobile operator’s telephone codes - if you need to call to another country and you do not know what country code, city code or mobile operator code you need, than our site will help you! Here you will find world coun
A complete and easy to use list of Country Codes : International Phone and Dialing Codes, ISO Codes and more useful codes information.
228- Country Code for Togo Phone Number- 8 digits example call from the United States or from Canada to Togo:011 228 ?? ?? ?? ?? Cell phone numbers: geographic area codes not neededto reach Togolese cell phones dialing format valid for calls and text messages:011 228 9? ?? ?? ??
Complete resource on dialing to Australia: country code, mobile and geographic area codes, phone number format and other helpful information