0191 431 4386 0191 4314386 01914314386 0191-431-4386 +441914314386 +44 : United Kingdom0121 : Birmingham4314386 0121 431 4386 0121 4314386 01214314386 0121-431-4386 +441214314386 +44 : United Kingdom0303 : None geographic area code4314386
3-Digit China Area Phone Codes Outside of the major cities listed above, Chinese phone numbers each have a 3-digit area code. As can be seen from the map below, provinces are clustered in areas and share a common first digit - "3", "4", "5", "7", "8" or "9". You can ...
+44 : United Kingdom0344 : None geographic area code2291391 0344 229 1391 0344 2291391 03442291391 0344-229-1391 +443442291391 Most recent reverse phone number lookups for "Who called from 229-1391?" Phone numberTime 2291391over 5 years
North American Area Codes An area code is the first 3 digits of a 10 digit telephone number used primarily in North America. Area codes are used to dial numbers in the US, Canada, several Caribbean countries, and a few countries in the Pacific. In most cases, the area code can be used...
Other cities in the 787 area code include: Caguas, Carolina, Arecibo, Aguada, Mayaguez, Toa Baja, Fajardo, Vega Alta, Rio Grande, Humacao, Cidra, Guayanilla, Manati, San German, Cabo Rojo, Naranjito, Camuy, Juana Diaz, Juncos, Salinas, Canovanas, Guayama, Arroyo, Aguadilla, Aibonito, Bar...
205 was split in 1995 creating the need to update some of the phone numbers to area code 334, and again in 1998 to create area code 256. In 2019, area code 659 was created and is currently an overlay to 205. It was the 1st area code in the state of Alabama. Alabama currently has...
Area code 804 is located in Virginia and covers Richmond, Tuckahoe, and Mechanicsville. It has a single overlay (686) that serves the same area. What time zone is area code 804? The 804 area code is located in the Eastern timezone. The Eastern time zone is also known as America/New_...
To call China simply dial your exit country code, the China country code and the area phone code shown below, all before your local number. Once you’ve made your call, remember; Rebtel use the highest quality, real phone lines with great value rates at the cheapest prices. Our rate to...
Bug fix for finding phone numbers where the area code was also part of the country calling code. Renameshortnumberutil.pytoshortnumberinfo.py. Merge up to upstream Subversion revision 603; upstream code changelog: RenamedShortNumberUtiltoShortNumberInfo-> the former class is now deprecated and wi...
Didn't bother answering this call - it's one of many I've rec'd with an 03 area code, presumably a Melbourne number. I don't know anyone in Melbourne, so why bother answering?? Several calls have come through with just one digit changed & I haven't answered any of them. You'd ...