PHONis a Greek root meaning "sound," "voice," or "speech." It's probably most familiar in the form of the English suffix-phone, in words that begin with a Greek or Latin root as well. Thus, thetele-intelephonemeans "far," themicro-inmicrophonemeans "small," thexylo-inxylophonemeans...
The Greek root word phon means “sound.” Let’s “sound” out the root word phon in the following podcast. There are many devices humans use that emit and change sound. For instance, a microphone helps your relatively small voice makes a larger “sound.” A megaphone makes the small “...
phon、phono、phone、geo 这四个都是希腊语词根。其中phon、phono与phone都是源自 希腊语phōnē。 phon、phono、phone 源自:希腊语phōnē 意义:sound,voice 解释:声音 根据phon、phono或phone词根的意思,我们来推断microphone、megaphone、phonics、phonograph、symphony与telephone等单词的意思。 microphone 组合:micro + ...