Turnabout Traveller - There's never been a lawyer who's captured the hearts of gamers quite like Phoenix Wright, Ace Attorney. That's not only because Capcom...
ReviewPhoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (WiiWare) “Objection!” Renowned primarily for its storytelling and unique style, it’s hard to say for sure whether the Phoenix Wright series are games at all or rather interactive short stories, but the medium in which they exist lumps them into the game...
It’s difficult to judge the value of a game such as Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. While it’s a fairly lengthy game, with the cases lasting an average of four to five hours the first time through, there really isn’t much to do once you finish. There are no collectables to speak ...
In my opinion, part 5 is giving away spoilers that explain some things of part 4 - it wouldn't make sense to play part 4 after 5; not because of the story, but because of the cast and relationships. So, if you are sure, where is the evidence to prove your claim? Hambo...
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney announcement trailer was revealed in Japan. Two of the best series on Nintendo DS are joining together in the same game? Sign me up! However, after waiting three years and 10 months for the game to release in North America, it quickly became clear that it ...
Developed by Level-5 and Capcom and published by Nintendo, Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney is set in London, England and offers players a great adventure puzzle gameplay and court trial gameplay, which is often longer and occasionally a bit too lengthy; no spoilers here so r...
Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (3DS Game) first released 28th Mar 2014, developed by Level-5 and published by Nintendo.