It supports the same arguments as the Texture Conversion Tool Extended (texconvex.exe) legacy DirectX SDK utility. The primary differences are the -10 and -11 arguments are not applicable and the filter names (POINT, LINEAR, CUBIC, FANT or BOX, TRIANGLE, *_DITHER, *_DITHER_DIFFUSION). This...
IosWeiboType = 21; // ios 微博调起类型 // var IosBaiduBoxType = 22; // ios 百度调起类型 // var IosBrowserType = 23; // ios 浏览器调起类型 /** * 根据UA等参数,获取调起NA的类型,后续逻辑根据不同的类型采用不同的调起策略 * 调起流程图:
IosWeiboType = 21; // ios 微博调起类型 // var IosBaiduBoxType = 22; // ios 百度调起类型 // var IosBrowserType = 23; // ios 浏览器调起类型 /** * 根据UA等参数,获取调起NA的类型,后续逻辑根据不同的类型采用不同的调起策略 * 调起流程图:
As in, I have enough actual Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder to prevent me from letting this go, until the point at which I forcibly throw it from my thoughts by sheer willpower. In two words, it is this: the references, attached to the conspiracy our heroes find themselves arrayed against, ...
IosWeiboType = 21; // ios 微博调起类型 // var IosBaiduBoxType = 22; // ios 百度调起类型 // var IosBrowserType = 23; // ios 浏览器调起类型 /** * 根据UA等参数,获取调起NA的类型,后续逻辑根据不同的类型采用不同的调起策略 * 调起流程图: