Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix $3.79 $14.99 Genre Science Fiction & Fantasy Format Blu-ray, Color, Widescreen, Dubbed, Subtitled Contributor Rupert Grint, Bridgette Millar, Emma Watson, George Harris (II), Peter Cartwright, Richard Griffiths, Robert Pattinson, Fiona Shaw, Miles Jup...
Fawkes is Dumbledore's phoenix from Harry Potter! ―xKatiex 12/1/20062 Phoenix is the name of the comic book character Jean Gray's (X-men) alter personality. Phoenix is the "bad" side of her but I don't think of this an evil name so don't let that stop you from using it. I...
Thephoenix birdis a mythical creature that resembles an eagle with broader wings. Its elegant, peacock-like feathers burst with the dazzling colors of flames. AnyHarry Potterfan could explain what this magnificent "fire bird" looks like in great detail. However, the phoenix lived only in legends...