Community College Two-year Coed Regionally Accredited North Central Association of Colleges and Schools Hispanic serving Percent applicants admitted:Not reported 学制 Semester 可授予学位 Certificate Diploma Associate 其他特点 校园地区环境 Urban setting ...
商户介绍 菲尼克斯学院(Phoenix College)是成都赛英教育咨询有限公司旗下打造的具有欧美学院风格的英语培训学校,我们将PBL(project Based Learning)教学法与交互式教学法等多项传统教学法相结合,打造出适用于中国学生的PBL英语课程,及雅思/托福等出国类语言课程;针对性地提高学生口语&写作的输出能力,更好地适应国外大学的...
国歌学院凤凰城分校(凤凰城)原为高科技学院凤凰城分校(凤凰城),成立于1982年,后随着高科技学院共同并入国歌教育集团,并更名为国歌学院凤凰城分校。 国歌教育集团是一个营利性教育机构,现在已经发展成为拥有30多个校园的教育集团。国歌学院凤凰城分校的课程侧重于科技、医疗、律师助理、会计、刑事司法、平面设计等多个...
国歌学院凤凰城分校(凤凰城)原为高科技学院凤凰城分校(凤凰城),成立于1982年,后随着高科技学院共同并入国歌教育集团,并更名为国歌学院凤凰城分校。 国歌教育集团是一个营利性教育机构,现在已经发展成为拥有30多个校园的教育集团。国歌学院凤凰城分校的课程侧重于科技、医疗、律师助理、会计、刑事司法、平面设计等多个...
functioning asset to their community, our school curriculum is comprised of three facets: academic achievement, career-technical education, and personal growth that provide emphasis on academic excellence, intellectual and personal integrity, participation in community life, and college and career readiness...
凤凰城学院(Phoenix College) 四年英语专业学习。Teacher Eka曾在凤凰城地区的Osborn Middle School及Tumbleweed Youth S…|基于1 个网页 2. 菲尼克斯学院 一九六二年至一九六三年她在菲尼克斯学院(Phoenix College)讲学。一九六四年初她因患脑栓塞症而逝世,终年六十岁。
Define Phoenix (disambiguation). Phoenix (disambiguation) synonyms, Phoenix (disambiguation) pronunciation, Phoenix (disambiguation) translation, English dictionary definition of Phoenix (disambiguation). The capital and largest city of Arizona, in the s
Learn more about Phoenix Academy here - See an overview of the school, get student population data, enrollment information, test scores and more.
Looking for information and data on Phoenix, Arizona? Learn about this state capital, including population, schools, climate, housing, and more.