Apache Phoenix的安装包 http://phoenix.apache.org/Phoenix-in-15-minutes-or-less.html 版本 3.2.2 上传者:nsrainbow时间:2015-02-12 phoenix.bios.editor.zip phoenix.bios.editor.zip 上传者:cartoom时间:2007-12-17 cdh6.3.2 集成 Phoenix cdh6.3.2 适配 Phoenix; cdh6.3.2 集成 Phoenix ...
Phoenix BIOS Editor 2.2.01 for Windows Sep.19.2006Phoenix BIOS Editor is for Phoenix Core System Software.It allows user to modify the pre-built ROM image without the source code.It's based on Phoenix TrustedCore or PhoenixBIOS 4.0 Rel. 6