There are few things certain in life, as the old adage goes: death and taxes are the infamous exceptions, but you could also add the clause that for every conceivable thing in the known universe someone somewhere will either want to have sex with it, or be morbidly afraid of it. Some ...
Most phobias are very specific, like a fear of heights or spiders, so many phobics can still live a reasonably normal life while avoiding their source of fear. But here are 9 weird but very real phobias that can severely disrupt daily life.
I know nothing about curing phobias. But with a little research, I have found out that fears of spiders, height and fire are not the most unusual at all. It turned out that there are weird phobias one can hardly believe in! I have not the slightest idea of how people, who suffer thi...
Though your phobia can be an irrational fear for others, a single thought of that object or situation can actually make you anxious, and if in case you are exposed to that situation, the terror is automatic and overwhelming. The experience can be so scary or nerve-wracking, that you may ...
Weird Phobias: Chorophobia Chorophobia is the fear of dancing and is something that, unfortunately, even alcohol can’t fix. It also manifests itself into a fear of any situation, event or person that is associated with dancing. The phobia is usually associated with social phobias – particula...
or caused due to this dislike of specific textures. Those who have doraphobia do not have to touch the fur to have an adverse reaction, just the sight of the fur itself can cause adverse reactions. Research has found that animal related fears are more likely to occur in women rather than...
Arachibutyrophobia - fear of getting peanut butter stuck on the roof of your mouth That is definitely the scariest thing a human can experience in their life. Cathisophobia: fear of sitting This actually is a real phobia, but why would someone be scared of sitting? People are weird. Reall...
Then I realized, that most people probably don't understand my very weird phobia of people touching the tips of their noses. If you're wondering why this bothers me so much, it's because there's cartilage at the very tip of your nose that splits and freaks me out. I'm nauseous typi...
Seriously, at some point, you have to start thinking that people are just messing with you when they tell you about these fears, but believe it or not levophobia is the fear of anything placed to the left-hand side of a person’s body. 4Ithyphallophobia source: We ...
You might think that you already know weird phobias, but these lists of unusual phobias will surprise you and blow your mind. 1. Optophobia If there is an award for most bothersome phobia, optophobia will definitely get this award. Optophobia is the fear of opening eyes. This simple act ...