Phobias are the extreme irrational fear of something. People who have a phobia can experience extreme feelings of fear or anxiety in certain situations or at the sight of something. Phobias can be caused by several things, childhood trauma, abuse, or negative experiences at any time in life. ...
Nicky Lidbetter, Assistant Director of the National Phobic Society, says: "Phobias can be caused by all kinds of things - environmental factors, genetics and possibly a chemical imbalance in the brain. Some can be conquered by facing up to them. Severe phobias are more complicated and are lin...
Social phobia can also be caused by many of the same mechanisms just described. However, it’s also thought to develop from childhood shyness and social discomfort that persist into adulthood and become worse with aging. TREATMENT Expand Without treatment, phobias rarely disappear by themselves. ...
Among the most popular are cognitive behavioral therapy(疗法), exposure therapy, and virtual reality therapy.Cognitive Behavioral Therapy(CBT)17 It is thought that unreasonable anxiety is caused by a patient's negative interpretation of events,rather than the events themselves. CBT is a talking ...
Genophobia is usually caused by an intense negative experience from your past. But your mind can also create that fear seemingly without basis [source] information about signs and symptoms for Genophobia has been gathered from various sources, may not be fully accurate, and may not be the full...
With agoraphobia, you move gradually into the places and situations that trigger anxiety. By taking small steps each day -- in the company of a trusted person -- you eventually learn to cope with situations that once caused intense fear. Your therapist will also encourage you to be less crit...
Relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery,mindfulness meditation, and yoga are all excellent tools for managing stress levels caused by phobic triggers. These activities focus on calming your body down physically and reducing tension build-up. They...
If you are, you have got phobia(a very strong feeling of being afraid of something).Of all human fears, phobias may be the most uncontrollable.They are most often caused by a particular situation or object.In general, phobias can mainly be divided into three varieties.To begin with, ...
A specific phobia, formerly called a simple phobia, is a lasting and unreasonable fear caused by the presence or thought of a specific object or situation that usually poses little or no actual danger. Exposure to the object or situation brings about an immediate reaction, causing the person to...
"It shouldn't be running your life," said Caryk. Some phobias can't easily be explained, but others are thought to be caused by direct or witnessed trauma, as with a dog bite or, said Caryk, informational experiences. "After the 9/11terrorist attackin the U.S., some people developed...