A survey of individuals was conducted on self-diagnosed vomit phobics compared to panic disorder and non-clinical controls. Vomit phobics were overwhelmingly female and had had symptoms for over 25 years. They were significantly more likely to fear themselves vomiting (in public and private situatio...
The EmetQ-13 also correlated significantly with a behavioural approach test using a vomit-like stimulus. The initial evaluation of the EmetQ-13 suggests that it is a reliable and valid measure for the assessment of emetophobia. Crown Copyright (C) 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights ...
She was therefore commenced on once weekly psychotherapy (CBT), which she undertook for a period of 4 months. She showed good response to the psychotherapy with significant attenuation of her core symptoms, although she still continued to exhibit some avoidance behaviors. Conclusions This particular ...
Needles, Spiders, Driving, Vomit, Dogs, Cats, Wasps, Flying, Dentist, Public speaking, Claustrophobia and more... Life Long Spider Phobia Cured! After successfully treating 100's of phobias we know you might be feeling... Fed upof not being able to do the things you want to in...
physically sick. He or she may become nauseous or start to vomit in distress. The person may become clammy and break out in a cold heavy sweat. There can also be shortness of breath. If the person is not delivered from the crowd of people soon enough, he or she may faint from the ...
I also have a fear of vomiting and last year I went 10 nights on medicine because I thought I was sick. I never told my parents because I believed (and still believe) that if I tell them that I am sick I will vomit. One night my dad came in and told me that if I was going...
For instance, people may have phobias to specific animals (spiders or snakes), environmental conditions (heights or germs), situations (flying in an airplane or visiting a doctor), people (a dentist or clown), or bodily functions and experiences (vomit, blood, or injections). There are two...
Although there is overlap in some symptoms of emetophobia that are assessed by each of these scales, there is also divergence between the two scales in some areas of focus. For example, the SPOVI includes items related to monitoring of vomit-related threat, while the EmetQ differentiates ...
Migraine is a primary headache characterized by recurrent attacks of head pain associated with nausea or vomit, photophobia, phonophobia and osmophobia. The presence of osmophobia during migraine attacks seems to be a very specific complaint. Cutaneous allodynia (CA) is very common in migraineurs, ...