公共卫生护士家庭访问中的信任、转化和透明度 公共卫生护士作为领导者和典范,可以用护理数据来证明有效性和价值。 Full text Evidence over the years has demonstrated the clear impact of public health nurse (PHN) home visits on outcomes of those raising infants and children: PHNs save lives and improve ...
PHN abbr. Port Huron, Michigan 美国; public health nurse 公共卫生护士; public health nursing 公共卫生护理; passive Heymann nephritis 被动海曼肾炎;[例句]PHN is a condition affecting nerve fibers and the skin that can cause excruciating pain for weeks, months or even years.PHN是一...
PHN PHN 基本解释 Port Huron, Michigan 美国;public health nurse 公共卫生护士;public health nursing 公共卫生护理;passive Heymann nephritis 被动海曼肾炎;手机查看PHN的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 PHN 即可 PHN 双语例句 1. The transfer of pHN307 to indigenous soi...
Long-term home visiting with vulnerable young mothers: an interpretive description of the impact on public health nurses. The Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) is a targeted, nurse home visitation program for young, low-income, first-time mothers. While the effectiveness of the N... L Anne,Dmytry...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook PHN Acronyms PHN Abbreviation forpublic health nurse;postherpetic neuralgia. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 PHN Postherpetic neuralgia, see there. McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ...
Design and Sample Retrospective observational study using public health nurse (PHN)ゞenerated data for 676 Latina mothers aged 14–52. Measures Mothers' age, having the Mental health problem, number of problems and interventions, and Knowledge, Behavior, and Status scores using the Omaha System. ...
Minnesota Registered Nurse (RN). 208125-0. Expires 06/2024 Neonate Resuscitation (NRP). Expires 01/2025 Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS). Expires 05/2024 Pediatric Chemotherapy Biotherapy Certificate. Expires 01/2025 Public Health Nurse (PHN). 22815. Issued 2014 More Details Experience Educat...
public health,Nursing etc. are some of the products / services to be showcased in MPHA Public Health Nursing Section Conference. Helpful ¿Puedo obtener una lista de los oradores que participarán en el evento? ¿Puedo obtener una lista de los expositores que participan en el evento?
The Public Health Nurse as a Discharge Planner: Patients' Perceptions of the Discharge Process The trend toward earlier patient discharges from hospitals has provided new incentives for hospitals and public health nurses to work together to ensure that patients receive uninterrupted quality care after ...
Persons targeted were union representatives, public health nurse administrators, and organizations that are incorporating public health programs outside of the government structure. Reference will be made to the first-prize poster presented at ACHNE's 2006 annual conference, entitled Graduate Nursing ...