To the vacancies Next Our bestsellers Product series Previous Sensitive skin Anti-Aging Clear face Anti-dry Sun care Anti redness Baby & child For men Next What exactly protects us against harmful environmental influences day after day? What actually is pH? Of course we all know the term, per...
Seventeen topsoils from four long-term lime amendment experiment plots ranging in pH from 4.1 to 6.9 were collected. Batch adsorption isotherms demonstrated the strong influence of pH on Cd sorption behavior. Cadmium sorption increased with pH, even within a very narrow range of pH values (螖pH...
Long-term phytoplankton changes in acid and limed lakes in SW Sweden. Hydrobiologia 394: 93–102. Google Scholar Ilmavirta, V. & P. Huttunen, 1989. Water chemistry and phytoplankton communities in acidic clear and brown water lakes in Eastern Finland. Wat. Air Soil Pollut. 46: 415–432....
Prioritize workflow optimization and scale clinical AI for long-term impact. Integrate imaging with procedures. Monetize through multiple streams. What to do next Focus on redefining the value chain with gen AI, not just tech. Prioritize core offerings and explore new value pools like preventative ...
In the Windows CE audio stack, the term "mixer" is used to refer to a couple of different, unrelated...Author: Andy Raffman Date: 01/12/2007FAT Filesystem Performance Issues for DVRTime to switch gears a bit away from audio... First a minor digression into what we were building......
Calculates ((a * b) + d) / c, where each term is a 64-bit signed value. MFLoadSignedLibrary Loads a dynamic link library that is signed for the protected environment. MFLockDXGIDeviceManager Locks the shared DXGI Device Manager. MFLockPlatform Blocks the MFShutdown function. MFLockShared...
The term pyrenomycetes is used here as a descriptive rather than a formal taxonomic term that includes many orders of fungi. These fungi are united by two features. (1) perithecial, or less frequently cleistothecial, ascomata within whic... GJ Samuels,M Blackwell - Springer Berlin Heidel...
Additionally, the process of chamber formation is very sensitive to mechanical disturbances and thus unlikely to occur in short term flume measurements (see material and methods section, also [22–23], reviewed in [24]). Impacts of active calcification on pH microenvironment...
(2001). Evidence of lower productivity in long term limed lakes as compared to unlimed lakes of similar pH. Water, Air, Soil Poll. 130: 1769-1774.Persson, G., and M. Appelberg. 2001. Evidence of lower productivity in long term limed lakes as compared to unlimed lakes of similar pH...