phlegm- inactivity; showing an unusual lack of energy; "the general appearance of sluggishness alarmed his friends" languor,lethargy,sluggishness,flatness inertia,inactiveness,inactivity- a disposition to remain inactive or inert; "he had to overcome his inertia and get back to work" ...
When the body suffers from an infection or disorder, it causes an accumulation of phlegm in the throat. The mucus irritates the air passage and creates discomfort in the sufferer. It triggers cough which expels the mucus. Phlegm is normally white in color. A person starts coughing up white ...
nobody wants to die untimely, and nobody loves to be seen as a potential source of infectious disease that could possibly spread to other people. You are not the only who is alarmed seeing such development in his health. Well, the reason we are here is to...
I have been off Immune therapy now several months, but still have the cough mainly at night. I tend to cough up lot of stuff till I more or less have cleaned it out but off and on still cough a bit through the night and into early morning when waking up. After reading posts here ...
is triggered by highly sensitivenervesthat sit among the lining cells of the upper part of the trachea that detect things that shouldn’t be there. With runny noses, snot doesn’t just run out of the nose, it also runs backwards towards the throat and ...
in thesinus cavitiesareas. These symptoms would indicate that a bacterial or viral infection has set in, especially when the mucus is accompanied bybad breath. If the immune system gets overloaded it will produce phlegm in the chest area, which I would cough up and out not swallow. A way ...
cough not to children in general) should not be considered as a virus infection, should be a bacterial infection, you can't identify a routine check to the hospital, the total number of spoken parts cell infection and neutrophil proportion is two, or decreased however, if both of the two ...
they had me X-rayed and after hours the doctor told me that I'm fine. The diagnosis was "muscoloskeletal strain". But still I'm worried, I mean this is blood coming out. It's been four days since and still it's coming out when I cough it up. Although it's very minimal this ...
止咳化痰(Relievingcoughandresolvingphlegm) Mostchildrencoughorviralinfection,generallydonothave specialtreatment,drinkmorewater,symptomatictreatmenton theline.Butifmorethan5days,orcoughyellowsputum(phlegm coughnottochildreningeneral)shouldnotbeconsideredas avirusinfection,shouldbeabacterialinfection,youcan't ...
A cough is always a fact of the life and you have to keep that in your mind. Actually, according to statistics, there are over 200 totally different viruses that can cause coughs and colds. No one, but no one is immune to them. What is the phlegm color in your case? As you can ...