Phleboliths are said to be seen more frequently in women and on the left side in the pelvis. Their number seems to increase with advancing age. We have attempted to establish relations of phleboliths with diverticulitis, diverticulosis, sex, age and pelvic location. In this study the only ...
In infants and children calcified phleboliths seen on plain radiographs point toward the correct diagnosis. Angiography shows the vascular malformation which is usually on the venous side. Computed tomography delineates the angiomatous masses and identifies upward extension in the pelvis. Urography or ...
In infants and children calcified phleboliths seen on plain radiographs point toward the correct diagnosis. Angiography shows the vascular malformation which is usually on the venous side. Computed tomography delineates the angiomatous masses and identifies upward extension in the pelvis. Urography or ...