About PHJJX The investment seeks a total return consisting of long-term growth of capital and current income. The fund operates as a "target date fund" that invests according to an asset allocation strategy designed for investors having a retirement investment goal close to the year in 2035. ...
See interactive charts for Principal LifeTime Hybrid 2035 Fund (PHJJX) and a list of its top holdings.
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An inbred maize line, designated PHJJ3, the plants and seeds of inbred maize line PHJJ3, methods for producing a maize plant produced by crossing the inbred line PHJJ3 with itself or with another maize plant, and hybrid maize seeds and plants produced by crossing the inbred line PHJJ3 ...
Tony DongDec. 5, 2024 Fixed-Income Funds to Buy for 2025 Here's what the experts have to say when it comes to investing in bond funds for 2025. Tony DongDec. 2, 2024 Top Fidelity Funds for Retirement Here's a look at the top-performing Fidelity mutual funds of the past decade. ...