4、用Phison S11 firmware flasher v2重新刷写固件(SSD重新开卡) 将下载好的SBFM10.8 23092016.BIN文件放入s11-flasher文件夹,现将fw.bin删除,然后将SBFM10.8 23092016.BIN修改名称为fw.bin 打开fw.exe文件,选择SATAFIRM S11 SBFM10.8 后点击“Upgrade Firmware”后耐心等待(大概5-10分钟) 当提示“Update Successful...
VERSION 2: reload FIRMWARE forcibly.To approach the topic, it is necessary to know the firmware version of your drive. This can be done, for example, with the free tool CrystalDiskInfo. Despite identifying the drive as SATAFIRM S11, I saw the SBFM21W1 version for this SP S55 120GB. In...