权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 phishing n. 1. 网络仿冒,网钓(通过互联网或电邮骗取他人身份信息、银行账号等以盗取金钱)the activity of tricking people by getting them to give their identity, bank account numbers, etc. over the Internet or by email, and then using these to steal money from ...
Thephishingsites and malicious Web site, Firefox 3 will be issued a warning. 对于钓鱼攻击网站和恶意网站, 火狐3将发出警告. 互联网 展开全部 行业词典 通信 网络仿冒又称“网络欺诈”,“网络钓鱼”。一种通过各种方式伪造互联网上的银行、电子商务等服务,骗取用户个人信息,从而窃取用户利益的攻击行为。
Phishing is one of the many new computer-related terms that have found their way into the general lexicon over the past decade or so. Its "ph" spelling is influenced by an earlier word for an illicit act: "phreaking." Phreaking involves fraudulently using an electronic device to avoid pay...
phishing意思是网络钓鱼。1、angle n.角;角度;观点;立场;出土星象图上东南西北四个方位基点之一;角铁,角钢;鱼钩;(Angle)盎格鲁人。fish n.鱼;接合板;鱼尾板;鱼肉;双鱼宫;怪人;鱼雷;副木。go fishing 钓鱼;出去钓鱼;去打鱼。2、短语搭配:钓鱼岛。Diaoyu Islands [Chinese islands ...
phishing 基本释义 n. 网络钓鱼;网络欺诈(以虚假的身份和形象随机骗取个人帐号和密码等)网络释义 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典 网络钓鱼 网络钓鱼(Phishing)是一种常见的欺骗手法,网络骗子假借各种名义发电子邮件给电脑用户,以骗取他们的个人信息。近来这种欺骗手法有个人化的趋势 网路钓鱼 网路钓鱼(...
Phishing attackers often design phishing information to prey on human nature. Such information usually capitalizes on a victim's fear or curiosity, or creates tension by emphasizing the urgency of time. In this way, the victim hastily performs operations without taking the time to carefully consider...
Phishing is the practice of sending fraudulent communications that appear to come from a legitimate and reputable source, usually through email and text messaging. The attacker's goal is to steal money, gain access to sensitive data and login information, or to install malware on the victim's ...
Getting phishing emails or texts and not sure what to do about it? Learn how to recognize phishing attacks and how to stay protected.
Phishing is a cybercrime technique that uses fraud and deception to manipulate victims into clicking malicious links or disclosing sensitive personal information. Learn how it works so that you can detect and block phishing scams and keep your data safe. Then, stay protected against phishing attacks...