Phineas and Ferb is a Disney Channel and Disney XD animated television series that centers on two stepbrothers, one sister, a pet platypus, and their adventures during summer vacation. The series premiered worldwide on February 1, 2008. It is also the first DCOS to premiere simultaneously ...
I absolutely Cinta Ferb Fletcheer on this show. He is my kegemaran character and every time he opens his mouth, I Cinta hearing what he was to say. Here are all of the Ferb Petikan that have been in every episode that has so far aired of "Phineas and Ferb". Key: Bold -The Ferb...
This was my most anticipated movie of 2011. I always had the feeling Phineas and Ferb would get a TV movie one day but I started to lose hope in that because it was taking so long. I thought "Summer belongs to you" was gonna be the closest this series got to a feature film but ...
Am G F E Oh, they won't let us dance or bang that gum F G A 'Cause they say imagination is morally wrong...
David Errigo Jr.voices Ferb in this song instead of being dubbed for the sake of comedy. This is the sixth time Ferb uses his natural voice to sing ("The Ballad of Badbeard", "The Twelve Days of Christmas", "Bubble Gum", "Gordian Knot", "Adulting"). ...