(3)经验原则(rules of thumb)阅读规则有仔细盯住文本中关键术语和概念的使用及其含义的潜在变化(如马基雅维利的“德性”)【477】(it is an important rule of esoteric reading to carefully follow the usage and potentially changing meaning of key terms and concepts in the text. pp.309.)警惕独特之处(Th...
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Ethican Monotheism, Teleological, Documentary Hypothesis and more.
any of the three branches, namelynatural philosophy,moral philosophy, andmetaphysical philosophy, that are accepted as composing this study. a particular system of thought based on such study or investigation: the philosophy of Spinoza. the critical study of the basic principles and concepts of a ...
Some argue that filmic philosophy is "nonconceptual" (e.g. Framton; Sinnerbrink), others that film has a capacity to analyze and interrogate concepts (Mulhall). Rodowick (2015) goes perhaps furthest towards something resembling filmic concept creation, although only in terms of film's capacity...
根据Stolnitz的理论——这是两种理论中更直接的一种——对一个对象的审美态度是一个无利害地和同情地(sympathetically)关注它的问题,其中无利害地关注它就是除了关注它之外没有任何目的,而同情地关注它就是 "如它自己那样接受它"(accept it on its own terms),让它而不是自己的成见来引导对它的关注(Stolnitz ...
A philosophical inquiry helps one in their day-to-day activities by aiding them during tough times. This includes analyzing ideas and defining terms or problems more clearly through the debate about ethical theories (and how they pertain). ...
are some differences in the role of meaning in terms of purpose, content and use which should be clarified in order to assist a productive relationship between the philosophy of language and IR.Research Implications -This provides some new theoretical insights into the philosophical context of IR....
Philosophy East and West15 October 2024 Heidegger and Zhuangzi: Conversations about the Vanity of Morality and the Fasting of the Heart Philosophy East and West15 October 2024 Of Stones and Horses: Reading the Gōngsūn Lóngži in Terms of Concrete Universals Philosophy East and West15 October ...
Sign up to receive the latest updates from U.S. News & World Report and our trusted partners and sponsors. By clicking submit, you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy. Ask an Alum: Making the Most Out of College Play Video ...
AN EVALUATION OF THE CONCEPTS AND PROBLEMS OF PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION IN TERMS OF TEACHING RELIGION: A STUDY INTO THE UNITS OF PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION AND RE... Philosophy as a science has its own set structure of knowledge. Thus in sports philosophy it is possible to imagine further development...