Francis Bacon did not propose an actual philosophy, but rather a method of developing philosophy; he wrote that, whilst philosophy at the time used the deductive syllogism to interpret nature, the philosopher should instead proceed through inductive reasoning from fact to axiom to law. Before beginn...
We can now deduce the most simple science theory of reality - the wave structure of matter in space. By understanding how we and everything around us are interconnected in Space we can then deduce solutions to the fundamental problems of human knowledge in physics, philosophy, metaphysics, ...
Well, you might be correct on that point. Metaphysics does not take into consideration a wide range of ideas. It is not bound by chains of logic, nor does it owe any justification to its explanations. Theories of mind, theories of meaning, theories of science, theories of mathematics, ethi...
Philosophy of religion is a branch of philosophy that asks questions about religion. Most academic subjects have a philosophy, for example the philosophy of science, the philosophy of mathematics, the philosophy of logic, the philosophy of law, and the philosophy of history. In addition, a range...
philo-sci 2013 : Philosophy of Science in the 21st Century – Challenges and TasksCFCULxgeorgioazma
+ 添加翻译 英文-阿姆哈拉文字典 የሳይንስ ፍልስፍና branch of philosophy concerned with the foundations, methods, and implications of science wikidata 显示算法生成的翻译 将“ philosophy of science "自动翻译成 阿姆哈拉文 የሳይንስ ፍልስፍና Glosbe ...
‘extraordinary science’ where there will be several competing theories One theory will win because it will get the greatest number of supporters in the scientific community ‘Paradigm shift is an ‘irrational’ process, such as accuracy, scope, simplicity, fruitfulness, and the ‘like’ of each...
Yuri Balashov, Alex Rosenberg, Philosophy of Science: Contemporary Readings (Routledge Contemporary Readings in Philosophy) 书籍: 纳尔逊·吉德曼《事实、虚构和预测》 卡尔·波普《科学研究的逻辑》 欧内斯特·内格尔《科学的结构》 托马斯·库恩《科学革命的结构》 ...
WikiMatrix It holds that Xiaoshuoxue has developed its most important concepts by adopting the ideologies of traditional Chinese philosophy and historical science. 六朝小说家以记录 “传闻”、追求 “奇异”和 “游心寓目” 概括小说之特征亦奠定了后世小说学的基本内涵, 故先唐时期是中国古代小说学重要...
wikidata 显示算法生成的翻译 类似于 "philosophy" 的短语,可翻译成 Jamaican Creole English contemporary philosophy Kantempareri filasafi medieval philosophy Midiival filasafi chinese philosophy Chaini filasafi philosophy of science Filasafi a sayans ...