There has been a "wake-up" call for primary health-care development to address the increasing health burden. This cannot fulfil the population needs if we do not clearly understand and value the unique features of primary health care from a wider angle with engagement of key stakeholders ...
This relates to what Fricker considers the primary harm of testimonial injustice: the hearer treats the speaker not as an active informant but as a mere, passive source of information, thereby epistemically objectifying them (132–133). If the immediate consequence of this is silence, as Fricke...
who offered some thoughts under the theme of being “in between.” This included how philosophy is between the most useful endeavour, as it has potential to aid us in tackling our most pressing concerns, and the least useful as it does not have any immediately obvious use....
The sense of presence—the psychological experience of “being there”—has emerged as a critical phenomenon in Virtual Reality (VR) research. While traditional approaches have predominantly focused on technological features as primary drivers of presence, this paper argues that such a view is fundamen...
supporting American science. They are periodically re-negotiated, and as scientific research hasn’t got cheaper, they’ve gradually climbed, but in historic context, they were usually fairly generous at the outset. This new NIH policy would wrench away one of the primary supports of American ...
Benefits of Primary Education 10/09/2018-byBoston Bruce The benefits of primary or elementary education should not be overlooked. It is helpful in making sure that the special needs of learners are fulfilled. This is one of the critical components of the education system. The main purpose of ...
such as its application in fields from governance and healthcare, but she then turned to the possible ethical implications that arise from the usage of ChatGPT. In particular, this new technology may erode human interactions and connect...
This new NIH policy would wrench away one of the primary supports of American science. The NIH statement linked in the NYT article is interesting reading. It’s likely this policy was drafted by individuals ignorant of how research works in the USA and/or so committed to neoliberal ideology...
Let’s get that out of the way. I don’t know what it’s like to be a black person nor can I speak for them on this subject. I’m merely giving my thoughts on it and I have at least the background of a racially mixed primary and secondary education to support me. When Jared ...
Today, biodiversity research includes conservation biology, whose primary business is the assessment and protection of threatened species; ecology, which investigates the resilience and function of ecosystems in relation to various types of diversity, and biological control science (of which crop science ...