简介 The Philosophy of Modern Song is Bob Dylan’s first book of new writing since 2004’s Chronicles: Volume One—and since winning the Nobel Prize for Litera...展开短评 打开App写短评 Sibyl Xylia2022-11-10 04:55:13 迪伦让你看黑白好电影去。 1 hdc2024-05-08 23:56:05 坚定地向诺奖...
I think a great song has the sentiments of the people in mind. When you hear it, you get a gut reaction, and an emotional one at the same time. A great song follows the logic of the heart and stays in your head long after you’ve heard it, like “Taxman,” it can be played w...
回忆的钥匙打开自由的门 Bob Dylan在获得诺奖后出的第一本书,不是期待已久的自传第二卷,而是一本歌曲评论集。他挑选了66首歌,没有明说挑选的标准,风格不一,年代跨度从1920年代到70年代。他像是一个随心所欲的DJ跟着自己的记忆列出了一张长长的私人歌单。读这本书的时候配合着听Apple Music上对应这本书的歌单...
I’m reading and enjoying Bob Dylan’s preposterous, eccentric and enjoyable “The Philosophy of Modern Song” (not Nobel Prize material) and around the same time, I stumbled into this attempt to explain what I was thinking of as my Top 40 favorite songs. I think I wrote it somewhere bet...
Iggy Pop performed the song in Europe, giving the one lyric people usually know, “Me gotta go now” a political, suicidal and punk meaning, making this in a way the punk song, and continuing the tradition of protest against the obvious illiberties of our very modern world, like “...
Below is a short history of the modern computer mouse, enjoy! Douglas Engelbart – The True Inventor of the Mouse It is 1950 and Douglas Engelbart, a young PhD student from UC Berkeley, is having a quarter-life crisis. At 25, he realizes that he has no aspirations in life other “than...
AnnouncingThe Philosophy of Modern Song,Bob Dylan’s unique reflection on the ideas and philosophy contained in modern popular song. This is the Nobel Prize laureate’s first book of new writing since 2004’sChronicles: Volume One. Learn more andorderyour copy today....
Bob Dylan Q&A By Jeff Slate While the book covers a lot of ground, many of the songs were written and released in the 1950s. Was that a significant time in shaping the modern popular song? And did the post war technology boom – the evolution of the recording process, the ubiquity of...
“written” may be stretching things a bit:The Philosophy of Modern Songcomes in at a cool 45 dollars, and for the incorrigible fan there was a first purchase edition featuring Dylan’s autograph, initially using a mechanical signature device until people paying hundreds of dollars for ...
“The Philosophy of Modern Song,” by Bob Dylan.Photo: Simon & Schuster “The Philosophy of Modern Song” comes across as more of a lark than the last word on any of its topics. The lore, lists, zingers and selections it offers bear some residue from “Theme Time Radio Hour,” Dy...