equality versus equity - the history of this meme and the discussions it started 31 replies 2 13 Roy Bhaskar's Life and Work 5 4 39 What are Paul's dirty/offensive words? 41 replies 3 1 Science, pseudo-science & junk science - recognizing the difference 59 replies 1 9 When the...
2021 was an extremely unhappening and monotonous year, second only to 2020. What should have been the most important year of my life turned out to be the most stagnant and uninteresting one. If COVID weren’t playing its games, this year would have been the most memorable. This is the ...
This is Sándor Ferenczi’s concept of the alien will, a manifestation of an intrusion so powerful that it pulverizes the psyche and from psychic ashes, it animates a walking corpse, eternally holding a grudge against its former psychic life, while living in the shadows of rot and degradation...
Despite its designers’ hopes that it might beckon in a new era of more nuanced political discourse,the political compasshas largely been reduced to meme-fodder. This popularised version of the political compass has now been around for over 20 years, and by that metric, this post is a bit...
3) It’s noble to take a stance against injustice when you sense it but do so in a way that is likely to enact change, not meme about it. We’re not even sure Reddit will be successful with any kind of reform, and I wouldn’t recommend jumping on a Reddit bandwagon to fight your...
QUOTE The Philosophy Of Freedom “conforms to the needs of Western civilization, and is particularly suited to anyone immersed in the scientific life of the West.” Rudolf Steiner The Boundaries of Natural Science VIIIPREMODERN AGE OF AUTHORITARIANISMThe premodern age was a medieval feudal society...
have been working on this problem since the dawn of time. But because of the Internet and a deeper understanding of the universe a new philosophy is emerging that actually answers that age old question. We are at a point where we can answer the questions, "Wat is the meaning of life?"...
“really is,” and, on the other hand, a form of philosophy that seeks to protect in some sense the unity of experience, the dignity of those elements of life that either cannot be captured by rationality alone or that are severely impoverished when thought only according to rationalistic ...
But the history ofthis encounter is particularlysignificant in understand the interpretation of themeaning of Jewish Scepticism, because it was the Christian milieu (not theJewishone) that first maintained theJewish thought could be regarded asasceptic philos-ophy.⁶Daniel H.Frank,“What is...
Effective content moderation by social platforms is both important and difficult; numerous issues arise from the volume of information, the culturally sens