Kids Definition philosophy noun phi·los·o·phy fə-ˈläs-(ə-)fē plural philosophies 1 : the study of the basic ideas about knowledge, truth, right and wrong, religion, and the nature and meaning of life 2 : the philosophical teachings or principles of a ...
the rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct. any of the three branches, namelynatural philosophy,moral philosophy, andmetaphysical philosophy, that are accepted as composing this study. a particular system of thought based on such study or investigation: ...
The meaning of FIRST PHILOSOPHY is a study of being as being dealing with the fundamental type of being or substance upon which all others depend and with the most fundamental causes —distinguished from second philosophy.
this philosophy, is the Communist conception of the world 4; however, a distinction should be drawn between the general and the particular meaning of the term. "The essential kernel of every conception of the world, the conception of the world in the proper sense of the word, is formed by...
While differing in meaning, terms used instead of outdoor education include enviromental education, conservation education, resident outdoor school, outdoor recreation, outdoor pursuits, adventure education, experiential education, and environmental interpretation. When analyzed, the philosophy of outdoor ...
Usage Note:Phenomenonis the only acceptable singular form of this noun;phenomenais the usual plural.Phenomenonsmay also be used as the plural in nonscientific writing when the meaning is "extraordinary things, occurrences, or persons":They were phenomenons in the history of music. ...
Modern philosophy's central concern with reason gave rise to many phenomena that are now taken for granted, such as the empirical sciences, capitalist economic systems, and the existentialist search for meaning in life, as just a few examples. What is modern philosophy in simple words? Modern ...
empirical properties such as texture, color, sound, etc. Philosophers have attempted to use their general philosophical principles to explain that extra element. Thus, aesthetics is often a philosophy of beauty. Experiencing good art or seeing true beauty is a source of value and meaning in human...
The meaning of CRITICAL PHILOSOPHY is Kantianism especially with reference to the critical establishment of necessary presuppositions for knowledge.
The meaning of NATURE PHILOSOPHY is natural philosophy; especially : an ancient Grecian and Renaissance philosophy undertaking to explain phenomena by natural causes and without recourse to mythical beings.